The Decade Tag #1

Hello my blog family!! I want to give a huge thanks to Steve’s Country for tagging me to The Decade Tag. I am very grateful for this and this is my first one. I never did one of these and I am so grateful to do this tag. I really recommend you to go and stop by his blog and check it out. You will love his blog. It’s about nature, lovely poems, and great pictures. And he also has a cat name Muffin that you will love to see.

Check out his blog here:


To Play Along With This Tag:

  1. Please share a link to the creator of the tag:
  2. Share some highlights for you over the past decade and if you want, a few low points
  3. Tag whoever you wish to
  4. Ask them some questions
  5. Use any picture appropriate for such a tag

Some My Highlights And Lows In The Last 10 years: 


  1. When I started making my own money and able to help my mom
  2. When I to a trip to New York for this first time with my wife
  3. Giving myself to LORD JESUS
  4. Living life for CHRIST
  5. Able to travel the world

My lows:

  1. Losing my father
  2. Getting into to many fights
  3. Having a big anger problem
  4. Not finishing school
  5. Not thinking about the future

Steve’s Country Questions:

  1. What place did you enjoy visiting the most in past 10 years? The place I enjoyed the most that I visited was New York
  2. How many different places have you lived in during the past 10 years? (houses, apartments, flats) I can’t be for sure but, I want to say 6 houses
  3. Have you made any changes to the way you do things, in the past 10 years? Yes I do since I have been following my LORD JESUS CHRIST
  4. Is there anything specific you would like to do in the next 10 years? Living and following LORD JESUS and going home with him and live in peace

I am Tagging:


Here are my questions:

  1. Where do you want your life to be in 10 years?
  2. What is your favorite moment in your decade?
  3. Is there anything you wish you could change that happened in your 10 years?
  4. How  would you describe your 10 years ago?
  5. What was your most proudest moment in your 10 years?


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