Time to fight back against the demon cancer

There are a lot different things out there that can help you with your cancer or help prevent you getting cancer. People don’t even know that what they put in there bodies is what is harming the body. They will not tell you that eating healthy and having the LORD JESUS CHRIST by your side is the key. Our bodies weren’t made to eat some of these foods. Fruits and vegetables are the key to keeping your body really healthy. This cancer is trying to take away a lot of people away from their families. But no more!!! We have to fight back and now we know what we can do to fight back against this demon called cancer.

Fruits and vegetables are our fight back tool. And the reason for that is because the LORD JESUS CHRIST made those things for us to eat. He knows our bodies and knows what goes in it because the LORD JESUS CHRIST made us. Talk to him and he will tell you what to do and what to eat. That’s why people have to start fasting to get them bad toxins out of your body and start fresh. People I advise you to start now and get healthy.

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